The Power of Inclusive Leadership: A Deep Dive into Research and Best Practices
Martin Schneider didn’t know he was going to become a male champion of gender parity. Maybe he wouldn’t even describe himself that way now. But that’s what he’s become in a way. And it happened completely by accident. Back in March of this year, an article in The…
Beyond #MeToo: How To Respond Effectively to Sexual Harassment, and Avoid a Media Frenzy
Martin Schneider didn’t know he was going to become a male champion of gender parity. Maybe he wouldn’t even describe himself that way now. But that’s what he’s become in a way. And it happened completely by accident. Back in March of this year, an article in The…
Lessons from an accidental male champion of gender parity
Martin Schneider didn’t know he was going to become a male champion of gender parity. Maybe he wouldn’t even describe himself that way now. But that’s what he’s become in a way. And it happened completely by accident. Back in March of this year, an article in The…
Who else wants to stop talking and do something to get more women into leadership?
If you want to do something to get more women into leadership, you need to know the facts. I was recently asked within the space of a few weeks to do four presentations for three different women’s organisations on the same subject: Why are there still so few female…
The 7 steps to a successful diversity program
What does a successful diversity program look like? Apparently that’s a question most companies don’t seem to be able to answer, according to the authors of the following two articles published last year in the Harvard Business Review: Diversity policies rarely make…
The Gender Equality Lesson of 2016
The most important gender equality lesson of 2016 has nothing to do with how or why American voters failed to elect USA’s first female president when they finally had the chance. Rather, it’s about why Denmark dropped from 14th to 19th place on the World Economic…
How to put gender diversity on your company’s agenda
How do you put gender diversity on your company’s agenda? A lot of HR and Diversity Managers have tried saying something like this: “Gender imbalance in our management teams indicates a loss of female talent, and it’s a serious problem that needs management’s…
Diversity policies work – if you know what you’re doing
What do companies get out of focusing on recruitment and retention of women and minorities? Not much, if you believe the title of a recent Harvard Business Review article: “Diversity Policies Rarely Make Companies Fairer, and They Feel Threatening to White Men”. …
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