Meet Lynn

Professional speaker and expert on inclusive leadership delivering scalable, evidence-based training and consulting.

Lynn facilitates inclusion through speaking, training, and consulting in organisations that want to reap the benefits of diversity.

Internationally recognized expert

Lynn Roseberry, J.D., LL.M., Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert on diversity, equity and inclusion. Drawing on her broad experience and knowledge of people and organizations, Lynn has earned her place as one of the most knowledgeable and inspiring speakers delivering tips, tools, and techniques to maximize performance through inclusive leadership.

Lynn has appeared as an expert on Danish national radio and TV and has been featured and interviewed in numerous international podcasts. In 2019, she was named Diversity Leader of the Year at the Wonder Tech Summit in Copenhagen.


Lynn is the author of Bridging the Gender Gap: 7 principles for achieving gender balance (Oxford University Press) as well as scholarly articles and book chapters about how to overcome the challenges and achieve the benefits of increasing diversity in organizations and teams at all levels. Lynn works daily researching and studying the latest evidence-based tools and strategies to help her clients succeed.

Improve your business performance through gender equality, diversity and inclusion with On the Agenda. Research-based consulting and scalable game-inspired tools for learning, team building and business development.

“Too often achieving parity for women is positioned as a ‘do good’ action – and nothing is wrong with that. But, by acting on the guiding principles in Bridging the Gender Gap, it moves from doing good to actually make organizations thrive and grow… and unleashed the power of an economic future that will benefit all.”

Rick Goings

Chairman & CEO, Chairman & CEO, Tupperware Brands Corporation and Founding Member of UN Women Private Sector Leadership Advisory Council

Improve your business performance through gender equality, diversity and inclusion with On the Agenda. Research-based consulting and scalable game-inspired tools for learning, team building and business development.

Lawyer, Scholar, Leader, Psychotherapist

First trained as a lawyer at Arizona State University College of Law and Harvard Law School, Lynn was associate professor of law at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) from 2001 to 2017 where she also served as Head of the Department of Business Law and as Equal Opportunities Officer. Lynn took the leap to leap to consulting and professional speaking in 2017 after publishing her book, Bridging the Gender Gap, with Oxford University press. Lynn also trained as a psychotherapist and began drawing on that training, as well as her research and experience as a leader, to help leaders achieve more success through inclusive leadership techniques and strategies.

Professional Speaker

Lynn has earned a reputation for delivering inspiring, fact- and evidence-based programs to high profile businesses and organizations. Since 2015 Lynn has delivered scores of programs and taught hundreds of leaders in public, private, and non-profit organizations in the United States, South Africa, and Europe.

Improve your business performance through gender equality, diversity and inclusion with On the Agenda. Research-based consulting and scalable game-inspired tools for learning, team building and business development.

“Lynn Roseberry’s presentation “Dig Where You Stand” had a tremendous impact on the +130 powerful women in the room. Enough with the debating, time to act. An informal network was formed to educate Gender Equality Ambassadors that today has evolved into a professional network with +180 engaged women.”

Eva Riedel,

At the 2015 Backroom to Boardroom conference "How Do Women with Power Use their Power"

Improve your business performance through gender equality, diversity and inclusion with On the Agenda. Research-based consulting and scalable game-inspired tools for learning, team building and business development.

Teacher and Facilitator

Her skills as an experienced teacher and facilitator provide participants with the knowledge and practical tools they need to improve their teams’ performance and increase their own success as leaders by practicing the techniques of inclusive leadership.

“At CBS Executives workshop (2015) on diversity: “Gender gaps are complex, but not insurmountable”, Lynn facilitated two intensive hours of knowledge sharing on the latest gender issues research, including leaving valuable time for the participants to discuss plausible actions for improvement of a more equal distribution of men and women in leadership. It was a great experience working with Lynn planning the workshop.”

Louise Rygaard

Head of Learning and Organisational Development, People and Culture, Corporate HR at JP/Politikens Hus A/S.

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